CMS Strategy

Work with specific pharmaceutical and manufacturing firms to develop much needed clinical treatments, to combat numerous modalities, as well as provide guidance with the patent and FDA process to approval.

Develop tools to better integrate data from numerous disparate sources for the purpose of forecasting ‘best in class’ treatment protocols.

Provide tools to support asset management programs with full integration to healthcare ERP’s, EMR’s, and  Manufacturer Portals.

Work with key partners to facilitate a reduction of potential deadly infections in the hospital environment.

Provide data tools to minimize healthcare risk management challenges, and improve compliance, and document control.

Support the bottom line initiatives and fiscal strategies, with emphasis on maximizing revenues, and reducing unnecessary expenses.

In American hospitals alone, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that Hospital acquired infections (HAI) account for an estimated 1.7 million infections and 99,000 associated deaths each year.

Of these infections:
32 percent of all healthcare acquired infection are urinary tract infections
22 percent are surgical site infections
15 percent are pneumonia (lung infections)
14 percent are bloodstream infections

The estimated direct medical cost of HAIs is around $10 billion annually, not including cost-shifting to private payers. Including cost-shifting, HAIs may cost closer to between $35 billion and $45 billion for acute-care hospitals annually.

The total direct, indirect and nonmedical social costs of HAIs are estimated at around $96 billion to $147 billion annually, including loss of work, legal costs, etc.

Healthcare Most Challenging Issues Today

Patient Satisfaction – Press Ganey

Average Length of Stay (ALOS) – Capitated

Nosocomial Infections

Timely integration of data to EMR Systems

Emerging Government Requirements

Timely mandatory reporting

© Developed CMSL Inc

Property Owned By : Centralized medical solutions Inc | Software Author: Moses Chandran